Coronavirus update for 3.18.2021 – Bridge to Phase 5 Announced, Vaccine Eligibility Changes, and Tax Day Extension
Chamber Members: A big day with announcements from Governor Pritzker on expansion of vaccine eligibility and a bridge phase between our current phase 4 and phase 5. See below for full press release and recap of what the updated phase 4 restrictions look like, the...
Coronavirus update for 3.17.2021 – Movement on PPP Extension, Redistricting & Earmarks, and Some St. Patrick’s Day Sayings
Chamber Members: To all the days here and after, may they be filled with fond memories, happiness, and laughter. May the best day of your past be the worst day of your future. The best luck of all is the luck you make for yourself. May your troubles be less, and your...
Coronavirus update for 3.16.2021 – Governor to Address Capacity Change, Child Vaccine Tests, and Good News on State Finances
Chamber Members: We’re patiently awaiting details from the Governor, reported to be this week, as to what changes we can expect in his reopening plans. After months of numerous groups pressing for an update on what can be realistic for capacity between now and a full...
Coronavirus update for 3.15.2021 – Tax Talk, Extension of PPP & ERTC, and Focus on Immigration
Chamber Members: Good news to report today on covid numbers as newly reported cases in the U.S. dropped below 40,000 for the first time since early October. The full update below has some more information on vaccine numbers and how other states are expanding...
Coronavirus update for 3.12.2021 – Vaccines for All in May, Restaurant Fund, and Some Money in Your Pocket
Chamber Members: President Biden appeared last night in his first prime-time address and delivered remarks urging national unity to reach normalcy as we move into year two of the covid pandemic. He also made a major announcement regarding when all adults can expect to...
Coronavirus update for 3.11.2021 – 365 Days of the COVID-19 Pandemic
Chamber Members: March 11 is certainly a day to remember (for me because it is my wife’s birthday as well) as this date marks one year since the World Health Organization declared the Coronavirus or COVID-19 or what has really been now usually just called Covid a...
Coronavirus update for 3.10.2021 – $1.9 Trillion Bill Ready for Biden Signature & Its Econ Impact
Chamber Members: The $1.9 trillion legislation known as the American Rescue Plan Act passed the House today and will probably be signed ASAP by President Biden so today’s update has some information on the expected economic impact. Also, more Johnson & Johnson...
Coronavirus update for 3.9.2021 – Houbolt Road Bridge Announcement, Edu & Workforce Bill, and the PPP Cliff
Chamber Members: The news does not stop on a nice and sunny day. Locally, a major announcement on a much-awaited project has been made, the Paycheck Protection Program is slated to end soon without action to extend the deadline, Governor Pritzker signs the Education...
Coronavirus update for 3.5.2021 – Unemployment Proposal Hold Up, Feb. Job Growth, and Taxes on Gig Workers
Chamber Members: What a nice day and weekend ahead. It is an unusually busy day of news for a Friday so make sure to read below for all of the updates. A couple of reminders before you get into today’s update – we have a virtual conference next Thursday...
Coronavirus update for 3.8.2021 – New Aid Details Up for Final Vote, CDC New Guidelines if Vaccinated, and IL Senate Returns
Chamber Members: A big vote went down over the weekend sending the covid relief aid back to the House for final approval. The update looks at all involved, as well as the last-minute changes. Additionally, the CDC released new guidelines for those that have been...