Council for Working Women

Advancing interests of women engaged in business professions and service organizations.
The mission of the Council for Working Women is to advance the interests of women engaged in business professions and service organizations. This Council will promote opportunities for women in the region and support activities which will enhance the capabilities of women, while acting in unity with the goals and philosophies of the Joliet Region Chamber of Commerce and Industry.
We’d like to introduce you to the Council for Working Women
The Council or Working Women is a division of the Joliet Region Chamber of Commerce and Industry. It was developed to establish a forum that will provide professional and business growth opportunities for women, enhance their capabilities, and benefit the organizations of businesses they represent.
Council for Working Women Scholarship information
Council for Working Women (CWW) of the Joliet Region Chamber of Commerce and Industry has scholarships available. The Council for Working Women established the scholarship fund to assist working or recently unemployed women who are training to: re-enter the workforce; increase skills for employment; or begin a new career. The scholarship money will help recipients further their post-secondary education at local vocational/trade schools, accredited colleges or universities.
The Council for Working Women Annual Scholarship is available through Joliet Junior College, University of St. Francis, and Lewis University. For more information about submission deadlines and criteria details, please contact the financial aid office at your school.
The Scholarship Fund is supported by fundraising and contributions from members of the Council for Working Women.
For additional questions or more information, please contact Jen Howard at the Joliet Chamber by calling 815.727.5371.
Membership in CWW has many benefits:
- Participation in monthly CWW Meetings held the first Thursday of each month. Each meeting features a speaker who presents topics designed to reflect the business and professional interests of the members
- You will have the opportunity to highlight your business via the 3-minute speaker drawing
- Joining committees to support and enhance the CWW, including Membership, Program, Special Events, Communications/Newsletter, Scholarship, and Nominations
- Attending special networking and fundraising events that the Council offers:
– The CWW Scholarship Program promotes the continuing growth of working women within the community by awarding scholarships to be used to further the recipient’s education
– The CWW partners with the Chamber for the annual ATHENA Award Luncheon, which recognizes an outstanding person in the community through the international ATHENA Award Program
Our Goals:
- Provide business and social contacts in an organizational environment where members can meet other business and professional women and share skills, experience and resources
- Develop leadership skills through committee involvement
- Provide a forum by which working women can discuss problems and opportunities
- Provide a communication link between working women and the business community
- Recognize the achievements and promote the contributions of area working women
- Offer educational opportunities through special programs to encourage personal and professional growth. Monthly topics may include: Effective Networking Techniques, Successful Marketing Strategies, Conflict Management and other issues of interest to our membership.
The Council was developed for YOU.
We value YOUR participation. This is a unique opportunity for business and professional women to come together to share ideas, network, teach, support and learn from each other. Please join us!
Membership is open to all who feel they would benefit from the activities of the Council for Working Women.
- $45 for members of the Joliet Region Chamber of Commerce
- $100 for non-Chamber members
Membership fees are billed annually on an anniversary basis.
Meetings are held at 11:45 a.m. on the first Thursday of the month (with the exception of special events) A newsletter and e-invitation keep members informed of upcoming Council meetings and activities.
Reservations for meetings are required. Members may make their reservations online at or by calling the Joliet Region Chamber of Commerce and Industry at 815-727-5371.
Guest Policy
A person may attend a Council meeting as a guest once, after that we ask you to speak with a board member or chamber staff about joining if you have not yet received an application.
Persons who have registered for a meeting, do not attend, and have not canceled more than 48 hours before the meeting are responsible for the meeting fee.
Julia Adamic, Associated Orthodontists LTD (Treasurer)
Angela Aegerter, Fit Foundation
Molly Babyak, Three Rivers Association of Realtors (Vice Chair)
Stacy Beeson, Coldwell Banker The Real Estate Group
Hallie Brenczewski, Grundy/Kendall Regional Office of Education (Secretary)
Angie Caldwell, Pink Heals Joliet Area Chapter
Elizabeth Delrose, Delrose Homes at Keller Williams Infinity
Charlie Dwyer, Darvin Furniture & Mattress
Jana Dzwonkiewicz, Divas Salon & Spa
Jen Hannon, CITGO Petroleum Corporation
Melissa Helfert, POSH Hospitality Group
Stacy Larisey, Old National Bank (Chair)
Chamber Liasons:
Jen Howard
Sarah Palya
Become a Member
If you would like to become a member please fill out our mail-in or online application.
Have Questions?
Jen Howard
Council For Working Women Ex-officio
[email protected]
Member Directory
View our CWW Member Directory