Coronavirus update for 4.1.2021 – Details on $2 Trillion Plus Plan, Jobs Report, and New School Guide
Chamber Members: Today’s update will be the last one for the week and will reappear in your inbox on Monday, April 12th after taking a week off. Before it’s forgotten, if you have not yet voted please make plans to do so with the last option being in person at your...
Coronavirus update for 3.31.2021 – Good & Bad Reports on Vaccines, and Extensions on PPP & Evictions
Chamber Members: President Biden has made official the extension of PPP funds until May 31 by signing the Act into law. We have good and bad news on the vaccine front as new studies show promising results, but an unfortunate error will slow rollout. Also, the eviction...
Coronavirus update for 3.30.2021 – Waiting on Another Bridge, Infrastructure Day, and Worker Turnover
Chamber Members: Today’s update takes a look at the real possibility that we could be slipping backwards into a new virus surge. We’re basically at the needed 70% vaccination level for those 65+, but additional red flags have emerged. Additionally, we should finally...
Coronavirus update for 3.29.2021 – New Vaccine Site, EIDL Expanded, and Passports?
Chamber Members: Spring break seems to be in full swing this week. Hopefully, all of you that have the chance to take some time off and relax can do so. With that said, today’s update has no shortage of announcements and updates. Today we focus on a major announcement...
Coronavirus update for 3.26.2021 – State Action on Resurgence, Biden Press Conf Review, and Health Care Bill News
Chamber Members: Happy Friday! Safe travels to those that may be venturing out on vacation next week (or as early as today) or the week after. Today’s update talks about action on the state level to hold back a covid resurgence, reviews President Joe Biden’s first...
Coronavirus update for 3.25.2021 – PPP is Extended, Good Jobs Report, and See Funding Levels for Counties/Cities
Chamber Members: Good news day here on a Thursday as we received an encouraging jobs report and an equally encouraging announcement that the PPP funds will be extended until the end of May. Additionally, there is information and links to view the final levels of...
Coronavirus update for 3.24.2021 – Covid Cases Rise, PPP Push to Extend, and More New Covid Drugs
Chamber Members: Today’s update covers a variety of topics such as rising concerns of Governor Pritzker on covid cases, the push to extend PPP fund deadline, new covid drugs, a report on the national vaccine rate, and new rental assistance from the county. Here’s the...
Coronavirus update for 3.23.2021 – Bridge Phase News, New State Legislation Signed, and a New Grant
Chamber Members: Today’s update will cover some new language on an eventual move to the Bridge Phase, new legislation signed by Governor Pritzker impacting a variety of companies, the Shuttered Venue Operators Grant finally gets an opening date, Biden teams rolls out...
Coronavirus update for 3.22.2021 – State Fund Debate, Multiple Vaccine Items, and Extended School Rumblings
Chamber Members: Spring is officially here and so is a busy week here with programs. Today, we welcomed Joliet Mayor Bob O’Dekirk for his State of the City Address. A link will be available soon to view for those that were not able to participate earlier. In our...
Coronavirus update for 3.19.2021 – Clearing Up Info on Phase 4 Change/Bridge Phase and Good Reports on Economy & Vaccines
Chamber Members: What a beautiful day to start the weekend. Today’s update will try to clear up as much as possible some of the information that came out yesterday from Governor Pritzker. Additionally, there is new safety guidance from the CDC out for schools, the...