Coronavirus update for 4.23.2021 – Shuttered Venue Grant Reopening, J&J Vaccine Back, and New Taxes
Chamber Members: Final update for the week as we’ve hit Friday. Today we’ll take a look at two big announcements. First, that the Shuttered Venue Operators Grant portal will reopen this weekend and second, that the Johnson & Johnson vaccine is recommended to...
Coronavirus update for 4.22.2021 – Jobs Report, Tax Credit for Vaccination Urging, and Workforce Issues
Chamber Members: Today we have our usual Thursday jobs report and it is again an encouraging one. A handful of other items to review as well such as a tax credit to businesses to encourage vaccination, workforce issues, Republican earmarks, rent control proposal, and...
Coronavirus update for 4.21.2021 – Free College, The Climate, Cannabis License, and I80 Bridge
Chamber Members: Today’s update aims to take a break from infrastructure talk and vaccine news. Instead, some new topics pop up such as a push for free college, climate proposals, cannabis licenses, and plans for the I80 bridge project. Finally, an interesting article...
Coronavirus update for 4.20.2021 – Lower Tax Push, DC Statehood, and Repeal of the SALT Cap
Chamber Members: I’ll take the blame for the snow day as I put all of my shovels away and said we won’t need these anymore. Today’s update takes a look at items such as the push for a smaller tax increase to cover infrastructure spending, Illinois Mayors pleading to...
Coronavirus update for 4.19.2021 – Economic Growth Outpacing Hiring, Restaurant Fund News, & More Updates
Chamber Members: Rough week ahead with some dreary weather in store. The news to share today however is a little brighter. Take a look below for updates on economic growth outpacing hiring, news on the Restaurant Revitalization Fund, J&J vaccine, the...
Coronavirus update for 4.16.2021 – Will County IDOT Project List, $1.6 Billion for Childcare, and Catch Up on Fed Issues
Chamber Members: It’s always good to start your weekend with some good news. Today, even with the differing and back and forth news and views on covid #’s and vaccines, we have to be happy with the latest announcement. More than 30 percent of U.S. adults are fully...
Coronavirus update for 4.15.2021 – Good News on Jobs, Supreme Court Expansion, and Latest on Vaccines
Chamber Members: Happy Thursday! A lot of things going on in both Washington DC and Springfield as lawmakers return from their breaks. Speaker Pelosi announced today that she will not bring up a bill on expansion of the Supreme Court, the daily vaccine update is...
Coronavirus update for 4.14.2021 – Vaccine News Dominates, Redistricting Update, and Census Report
Chamber Members: Vaccine news is stealing the bulk of today’s spotlight. With yesterday’s major pause and more studies being conducted, we’ll likely here more and more of what is on the horizon with children, schools, and passports. Take a look below for a few...
Coronavirus update for 4.13.2021 – Vaccine Halted, New Studies on Variant & Business Bounce Back, and Illinois Leadership Thoughts
Chamber Members: Today’s update covers the unfortunate information concerning the announcement to pause one of the three approved coronavirus vaccines. In addition, we have a new study about the U.K. variant, a new study about Illinois business’ ability to bounce...
Coronavirus update for 4.12.2021 – Covid Numbers Update, Infrastructure Latest, and much more to catch up on
Chamber Members: Glad to be back in touch with our daily updates after some time off. Today’s update is certainly packed with information to catch up on so make sure that you read through and don’t miss anything. *Daily Coronavirus update brought to you by Silver...