News & Announcements

Joliet Region Chamber of Commerce & Industry

Government Affairs Roundup for 3/1/2022

Government Affairs Roundup "Your Timely Roundup of Local, State, and Federal Updates" Chamber members: President Biden is scheduled to deliver his inaugural State of the Union address to a joint session of Congress tonight at 8 PM. More on this below in today’s...

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Government Affairs Roundup for 2/25/2022

Government Affairs Roundup "Your Timely Roundup of Local, State, and Federal Updates" Chamber members: Monday is the day that many have been waiting for as the indoor mask mandate comes to an end. There is also a new report out on state finances, as well as concern...

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Government Affairs Roundup for 2/23/2022

Government Affairs Roundup "Your Timely Roundup of Local, State, and Federal Updates" Chamber members: It is hard to believe that we’re in the last days of February. Time continues to move quickly. Many are waiting for the mask mandate to be lifted on Monday to see...

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Government Affairs Roundup for 2/18/2022

Government Affairs Roundup "Your Timely Roundup of Local, State, and Federal Updates" Chamber members: A vote to extend federal funding came down to the wire. Action continues in Springfield with Legislators still planning to wrap up on April 8. We had a very...

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Government Affairs Roundup for 2/15/2022

Government Affairs Roundup "Your Timely Roundup of Local, State, and Federal Updates" Chamber members: The condensed Illinois legislative session continues this week as lawmakers still plan to adhere to their early, April 8, adjournment. Both the House and Senate will...

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Government Affairs Roundup for 2/10/2022

Government Affairs Roundup "Your Timely Roundup of Local, State, and Federal Updates" Chamber members: Big news on the mask front announced yesterday. Full details are below. A new high with inflation as we’ve not seen in decades. Check out the story below and plan to...

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Government Affairs Roundup for 2/8/2022

Government Affairs Roundup "Your Timely Roundup of Local, State, and Federal Updates" Chamber members: We’re going to start today’s roundup off with some good news. Senator Dick Durbin and Senator Tammy Duckworth introduced legislation to rename the U.S. Post Office...

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Government Affairs Roundup for 2/3/2022

Government Affairs Roundup "Your Timely Roundup of Local, State, and Federal Updates" Chamber members: Special edition of the roundup today in review of and in response to the State of the State/Budget Address delivered today by Governor Pritzker. *Government Affairs...

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Government Affairs Roundup for 2.1.2022

Government Affairs Roundup "Your Timely Roundup of Local, State, and Federal Updates" Chamber members: Anticipation builds here on what will be in the Governor’s address tomorrow. That’s if the address happens with session being canceled already and there’s that...

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Government Affairs Roundup for 1.28.2022

Government Affairs Roundup "Your Timely Roundup of Local, State, and Federal Updates" Chamber members: Good news on two items from our Chambers All In for Economic Recovery platform. The issue of the Minimum Wage Tax Credit has been picked up in bill form and the same...

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