Government Affairs Roundup for 10.19.2022
Government Affairs Roundup "Your Timely Roundup of Local, State, and Federal Updates" Chamber members: A lot of information coming out from the State of Illinois this last week. Check out below the information about corporate income tax deadline extension, masking in...
Government Affairs Roundup for 10.12.2022
Government Affairs Roundup "Your Timely Roundup of Local, State, and Federal Updates" Chamber members: Today’s Roundup has info on the latest concerning the economy and jobs. Two issues that will continue to be under the spotlight. Additionally, the Biden...
Government Affairs Roundup for 10.5.22
Government Affairs Roundup "Your Timely Roundup of Local, State, and Federal Updates" Chamber members: A continuing resolution was struck so that the federal government didn’t have to shutdown which is always good news. If you haven’t seen yet, our October member...
Government Affairs Roundup for 9.28.22
Government Affairs Roundup "Your Timely Roundup of Local, State, and Federal Updates" Chamber members: Eyes are on Washington to see if a deal can be struck on government funding as the deadline hits at the end of this week. Closer to home though we see good news on...
Government Affairs Roundup for 9.21.22
Government Affairs Roundup "Your Timely Roundup of Local, State, and Federal Updates" Chamber members: A little bit of old news that somehow escaped the last Roundup edition starts us off today. The Governor was in the area to talk about the new interchange in...
Government Affairs Roundup for 9.14.22
Government Affairs Roundup "Your Timely Roundup of Local, State, and Federal Updates" Chamber members: Both the House and Senate will be back in session this week. When they return, expect the next three weeks to be hectic as Congress will need to quickly come to an...
2022 Athena Award Recipient Announced
2022 ATHENA AWARD RECIPIENT ANNOUNCED Award Presented Annually to Person Demonstrating Outstanding Commitment to their Profession, their Community and the Advancement of Women Joliet, Ill. – (August 23, 2022) – The Joliet Region Chamber of Commerce & Industry and...
Government Affairs Roundup for 9.7.22
Government Affairs Roundup "Your Timely Roundup of Local, State, and Federal Updates" Chamber members: Today’s update is going to be a short one coming off of a holiday weekend and just a little slower than usual with news. One important piece is to remind all of...
Government Affairs Roundup for 8.31.2022
Government Affairs Roundup "Your Timely Roundup of Local, State, and Federal Updates" Chamber members: If you hadn’t noticed, road construction is all around us and will certainly be here to stay for years. Today’s update has news on I-80 as well...
Government Affairs Roundup for 8.24.22
Government Affairs Roundup "Your Timely Roundup of Local, State, and Federal Updates" Chamber members: More announcements impacting a number of people in a few different areas. Most notable is the news today as President Biden drops details on student loan debt. See...