Government Affairs Roundup “Your Timely Roundup of Local, State, and Federal Updates” Chamber members: State lawmakers returned to Springfield today with the goal of finally wrapping up the state budget by the end of the week. They officially have until...
Government Affairs Roundup “Your Timely Roundup of Local, State, and Federal Updates” Chamber members: It looks like it may be a few long days’ worth of work in Springfield at the end of this week. Lawmakers technically don’t have to sign off on the state...
Government Affairs Roundup “Your Timely Roundup of Local, State, and Federal Updates” Chamber members: The usual federal and state updates are below in this message. Additionally, read all the way to the bottom for information for those that were EIDL...
Government Affairs Roundup “Your Timely Roundup of Local, State, and Federal Updates” Chamber members: Action heats up on the debt limit front once again as a new date has been thrown out for need to adjust the ceiling. On the state side, a number of...
Government Affairs Roundup “Your Timely Roundup of Local, State, and Federal Updates” Chamber members: The City of Joliet and City of Chicago wrapped up their long-term agreement for water to flow this way as soon as 2030. More information is below on the...