Welcome to our “Starting a Business” resource page!
Here, entrepreneurs will find essential information to help turn their business ideas into reality. Whether you’re in the planning phase or ready to launch, this page offers comprehensive guidance on resources to support your journey. Learn about essential tools to help you navigate the complexities of starting a business. We are here to support your success every step of the way—explore our resources and join our thriving local business community today!
Illinois Department of Economic Development (DCEO) Services
- The DCEO provides a step by step guide on how to start building a business
- The guide will inform you of various legal requirements and direct you to additional resources
- If you have any questions contact the First Stop Business Information Center at 800.252.2923
- The DCEO developed a handbook, “Starting Your Business Handbook”, discussing the ins and outs of starting a business in Illinois
- The handbook is designed to answer many of the standard questions a new business owner has, while also providing information on the various rules and requirements necessary to start a business
- The DCEO also has an “Assistance for Businesses” section on their website that supplies information on business resources, small business assistance, incentives and tax credits, relocating and growing your business in Illinois, low interest loan programs, and Illinois works contractor resources
- The State of Illinois continues to offer innovative business incentives in order to attract and retain job creators looking to locate or expand their business in Illinois
- Visit the Tax Credit and Incentives page on the DCEO website to see what Illinois has to offer to your business when it comes to tax-based incentives
City of Joliet Services
- The City of Joliet requires registration of all businesses with the exception of home based businesses and any business that holds a current business license from the City of Joliet
- Per Article XVIII of the City of Joliet’s Code of Ordinances, Business Registration is required for any business having a place of business within the corporate limits of the city
- Businesses must register with the Business Services division within thirty days of City notification and must update the City on any changes to their information
- Within the City of Joliet, Business Services is responsible for receiving, processing, and issuing applications, licenses, and license renewals Applications and licenses can be found on the City of Joliet website by searching “Business License Applications”
- Some of the applications and licenses the City of Joliet offers include: general business license, second hand dealer, sidewalk cafe, and more!
- If you are unsure if your business requires a Business License please contact Business Services at 815-724-3905
- The Building & Inspectional Services Department office is also responsible for the issuance of building, demolition, and moving permits, and the inspection of property
- The Building Permit Forms page on the City of Joliet website provides applications for: Residential Permit Applications, Commercial, Industrial, & Multi-Family Residential Applications, and Contractors
- For further questions, email [email protected] or call 815-724-4000
- Certain businesses are required to file and pay tax returns to the City of Joliet
- It is the responsibility of the business owner to file all necessary returns and pay taxes in accordance with City ordinances
- Visit the “Collection of City Sales Tax” page to learn more about any tax returns of payments applicable to your business
Joliet.gov Liquor and Tobacco Licenses
- Various applications for liquor and tobacco licenses can be found on the City of Joliet website
- Liquor commission forms are also located on the “Liquor and Tobacco License” section
- For fingerprinting, appointments, call 815-724-3704
Will County Services
Willcounty.gov Building Permits
- The Will County Land Use Department is responsible for administering and enforcing codes, standards, rules, and regulations adopted by the Will County Board
- All Building Applications will be reviewed for compliance with the Will County Building Ordinance. Approval will be granted upon meeting all criteria, followed by necessary construction inspections to ensure health and safety standards are upheld
- To contact the Will County Land Use Department call 815-774-332
Willcounty.gov Unincorporated Will County Liquor Licenses
- A liquor license is necessary for anyone wishing to sell or allow the sale, use, or consumption of alcoholic liquors in unincorporated Will County, under the jurisdiction of the County Liquor Commission
- To enhance accessibility, transparency, and fiscal responsibility, the Will County Liquor Commission has made liquor license applications and forms available online for applicants
- For further inquiries, contact Maria Acosta at [email protected]
Willcountyhealth.org Will County Food Establishment Permits
- Before constructing or remodeling a food service establishment, a proposal shall be submitted to the Division of Environmental Health at the Will County Health Department (WCHD)
- Check out the WCHD website to ensure that your business meets all the food permit requirements
- WCHD phone number: 815-727-8480
Additional Resources
Joliet Junior College Business Incubator
- Contact Brian Kincaid at 815-280-1252 or [email protected]
- Website: jjc.edu/jjc-entrepreneur-business-center-gettingstarted
- JJC Workforce Development: jjc.edu/community/workforcedevelopment
St. Francis Business Incubator
- Contact Bonnie Covelli at 815-740-5071 or [email protected]
- Wesbite: stfrancis.edu/cobha-business-incubator/
Lewis University Business Incubator
- Contact John Wightkin at 630-841-5214 or email [email protected]
- Website: hub.lewisu.edu
- Check out the Joliet Chamber Directory to find several lawyers, insurance companies, accountants, bank/credit unions, and real estate agents, plus many more categories that can assist you
- Website: members.jolietchamber.com/list
Will County Workforce Center (WCWC)
- The WCWC connects jobseekers and businesses with the resources they need to grow professionally
- They offer numerous opportunities to help build businesses, such as career training and employer grants
- Website: will.works